On Sight

On Sight

A psychological thriller about the relationship between police and civilians, duty versus jurisdiction, the condemning power of suspicion, and who pays the price.

Who seems suspect to you?

The story of "On Sight" follows a Patrol Officer who inexplicably sees the same black man over and over again. Now juggling jurisdiction, media scrutiny, and a crippling home life, Officer Decklin tries to solve the case of the repeating offender. After all, it’s his duty. Isn’t it?

Tosin Morohunfola and Scott Cordes star in this investigation of duty, power, and suspicion in this relevant parable about police-civilian relations.

Written & directed by Tosin Morohunfola

On Sight
  • On Sight

    A psychological thriller about the relationship between police and civilians, duty versus jurisdiction, the condemning power of suspicion, and who pays the price.

    Who seems suspect to you?

    The story of "On Sight" follows a Patrol Officer who inexplicably sees the same black man over and ov...
